Frequently asked questions
Below you can find answers and any information to frequently asked questions regarding our training courses, fees, registration and cancellation. If your question is not answered here, please contact us at our training hotline 087 095 3319 or send us an email
Where can i find Skills Junction?
The Skills Junction Head Office is located at 299 Pendoring Road, Blackheath, Johannesburg, where all the admin and necessary training preparations are made. we present our courses in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Durban and Cape Town. The exact venue details are sent through to participants upon registration.
What is the maximum number of participants for your training programmes??
The maximum number of participants is limited to 30 participants for all our programmes.
What type of training courses does Skills Junction offer?
Skills Junction provides career focused short courses, skills programmes and learnerships covering a variety of subjects, topics and themes across many sectors, markets and professions.
What is the duration of a typical training course?
The duration of the non-credit bearing short courses and skills programmes ranges from a half day to five days. Our learnership programmes range in length from 12 to 24 months.
How do i register for a course?
You are able to book via Skills Junction website or alternatively you can request a registration form that you will need to complete and return to Skills junction. Once the booking has been processed, we will send you a confirmation email with the course details, venue map and Invoice.
What if i cannot attend a training course that i have registered for, how do i cancel a booking?
Cancel without costs: If you advise us by email at least five calendar days before the course.
50% of the course fee: If you advise us by email less than five calendar days but more than 24 hours before the course.
100% of the course fee: If you advise us by email less than 24 hours before the start of the scheduled course or if the participant is absent without notification