QCTO Ready

Moving forward with the QCTO framework As QCTO assumes responsibility from the SETAs, the transition promises to bring about a more standard and uniform approach to occupational qualifications and skills programmes. Skills Junction has been steadily preparing for the shift by upholding its commitment to provide industry-leading qualifications and has proudly achieved ”twenty-one” OCTO-accredited qualifications…

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50% Off Onsite Training

10th Anniversary Discount It is a gift to be able to look back over the last 10 years and appreciate how far we have come and in the spirit of celebration and camaraderie, we are delighted to offer a tremendous 50% discount on all onsite training interventions to corporate South Africa nationwide for a limited…

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B-BBEE and Skills Development in the Agri Sector

The Role of the Agricultural Sector in the South African Economy The agricultural sector is widely expected to be a key driver of both local and global economic growth; however, agricultural performance has been hampered, with a mere 2.47 percent contribution to GDP in 2021 according to stats sa. The agricultural sector’s economic goals are…

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Virtual Training

Enhancing Our Remote Learning Experience Skills Junction‘s stakeholders now have access to our virtual learning platform, which will help support and improve our remote learning experience. The implementation of the application expands on our already well-established remote delivery capabilities, enhancing our ability to provide a tailored and engaging learning experience. The technology at Skills Junction…

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Learnerships are Good for Business

Why Learnerships Make Good Business Sense Skills development initiatives, such as learnerships, are not only good for the economy, but also make good business sense. Employers have long understood the value of learnerships, even if many view the process as a tick-box exercise. This is a missed opportunity because learnerships, when embraced in the spirit…

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Learnership Guide for Employers

If you are new to the world of learnerships, you will most likely have a number of questions about what a learnership programme is, how it works, and what the benefits of implementing a learnership are. First and foremost, the million-dollar question. What is a learnership? A learnership is a mix of on-the-job training and…

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Reasons to Invest in Employee Development

Why invest in employee training during economically challenging times?  The short answer is that training and development are critical to your company’s success. In the past, employees were rated on the 3 R’s – Reading, writing, and arithmetic. These abilities are no longer sufficient for success in today’s business environment that is constantly responding to…

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Learnership Tax Incentives

Skills Development Levy All businesses with a payroll of more than R500 000 per year are required to pay SARS 1% of their annual salaries to the Skills Development Levy (SDL). SARS will automatically assign your company’s SDL to the SETA they believe you should be registered with. The funds are to be used to…

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Skills Development and B-BBEE

B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice – Skills Development Element Skills Development is one of the compulsory priority elements under the Codes of Good Practice on the B-BBEE scorecard. Skills development is also one of the easiest priority elements to comply with and measures the extent to which companies carry out initiatives designed to develop the…

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Digitally-Enriched Learnerships

Online Education Skills Junction is an accredited online training provider that offers virtual learning programmes to working professionals in the twenty-first century. Today, digital learning has emerged as an essential resource for learners and educational institutions worldwide. The demand for online learning has increased significantly since covid-19 and will continue to do so in the…

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Closing the Skills Gap

With university graduates failing to secure the jobs they studied for, the skills gap is becoming a serious concern. With this in mind, there appears to be only one other option: “Learnerships.” Learnerships allow individuals of all ages to work full-time while obtaining a qualification in their field of expertise. This approach directly addresses the…

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Employed Learnerships

Learnership 18.1 Learner Creating a learning culture in your organisation can be extremely beneficial not only to individual employees, but also to the overall success of the business. The significance of developing a learning culture is obvious; however, not all businesses are successful in implementing effective learning opportunities. Skills Junction offers high-quality employed learnership programmes on…

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The Skills Junction Experience

Why Customer Experience is an integral part at Skills Junction Skills Junction is a learnership training provider with a stellar reputation for training delivery and customer service excellence. Whether you are a business or learner, we care about your experience and offer a tailored service to meet your needs. Our team of professionals consistently deliver high-quality…

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Learnerships for People with Disabilities

B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice – Disability Inclusion Skills Junction specializes in the 360° management and implementation of high-quality inclusive learnership programmes that go above and beyond to ensure that learners with disabilities obtain the qualifications and skills required to succeed in their desired careers and employment fields. People living with disabilities have low rates…

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Qualities to Look for in a Training Provider

At Skills Junction we tick all the right boxes… Choosing the best training provider can be difficult, because there are so many across the country, It can be challenging to find one that is right for your business. We wanted to highlight the five factors we believe are most important to take into account when…

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